Red Impact is recruiting

      Red Impact is recruiting

      Red Impact Gaming [RiMG]
      About us:

      Red Impact is an international TR Outfit. We exist since August 2013 and run daily Platoons for over a year.
      Peaking in size at around 500 Members and running multiple Platoons. In the majority we run our OPs with 40-50 Members.
      As of now our Team is mainly veterans, which have played PS2 since at least 1 year.
      We have done and participated in virtually everything there is to do in the game. But after our long break from OPs, we want to give PS2 a try again and rebuild.
      Old, new and former Members are welcome to join us on this, we promise to do our best to experience PS2
      again as it should, epic and in large battles, doing what ever it takes, stoping zergs, defending on 1s left, holding points against the odds, winning alerts and locking maps.

      //Beside PS2

      Our Members are active in lot of different games, from Overwatch, Players Unknown and CSGO to name a few. You can certainly find people to play games with outside of PS2 if you look for it.
      Also we are still planning to go full force into Star Citizen, once the MMO is complete.

      Weekly Outfit OPs
      20:00 CEST


      Casual/Recruitment Platoon
      evening hours

      Requirements to join RiMG:
      Teamspeak.( You are NOT required to have a microphone, but we are doing among others TS-only Platoons, therefor you need to be able to join TS³ when we call everybody onto it.)
      Teamplay. When you are in one of our platoons we expect that you stay with our squad and support them.
      During Ops follow the orders and listen to your SL and PL, casual derping can be done outside of this time and squads.
      Join the website with your ingame name You can join us by writing a small post in our "Join Us" category in our forum

      Website: You are already on it.


      Red Impact Founder
      Red Impact on Steam
      Red Impact in Star Citizen