New member


      I was in a platoon lead by maikel580, and had a jolly good time and am thinking about joining up.

      So, just to make sure everything is by the book:

      Application form:

      - Ingame name:

      - BR:

      - Main class(es)
      Mainly infantry. On rare occations sundy or tank, but I'm no pilot. (No joystick for that) Of the infantry classes I can probably use them all. (Mostly medic or heavy as of late) The one I have least experience with is probably the MAX. (It feels so wimpy)

      - Microphone (yes / no)
      Not right now, but getting one soon.

      - Have you already been on teamspeak?

      - Other info (Optional)
      Serious when I have to, not so much when I don't. Using google translate to write English. Well, ok. Not really. But it would make for a funny application.
      For more info, read my unpublished biography which can be bought nowhere. Or just ask.